Dark Night

The sun had set and all he could see were shadows cast in the moonlight. The park was empty and the streetlights were dim. He was sat on the bench waiting for her. She said she’d be here by now but there was still no sign of her. He was just about to call her when he heard laughter. He couldn’t see their faces but he knew it was guys. He saw an outline of a group. He didn’t think anything of them and dialled J’s number. She picked up on the second ring and apologized profusely.

I’m on my way, she said driving to the park.

He was about to ask her where she was when the group approached him. Up close, he realized he knew the boys. They gave him a mean look.

Hello again, Siva.

Siva rolled his eyes and didn’t say anything.

Who’s that, J asked him, still on the phone with him.

One of the boys lifted Siva up by his shirt collar and threw him onto the hard pavement. He groaned at the pain he felt when his back hit the ground. Siva’s phone dropped onto the ground, slipping out of his hands.

Siva? Siva? J shouted, picking up on Siva’s shouts as the boys beat him up. One of the boys had on brass knuckles and the others kicked him with their feet like he was a dirty animal. He tried fighting back but there were too many of them.

J, while driving 70 mph, dialled one of Siva’s best friends, Mike. She knew something was wrong. J got to the park in record time, parked her car quickly and without bothering to cut the engine, ran towards the bench Siva always waited for her at. She saw the group of boys immediately, Siva on the ground.

Siva! she yelled. None of the boys heard her.

They didn’t stop punching him until she kicked one of them hard in the thigh.

What the fuck? the guy said, turning around.

Let him go, she screamed.

They all turned to her, sized her up. Siva was on the ground, hands over his heads, unable to get himself up.

What the hell are you doing to him? she asked in an angry tone.

They all stared at her and then started laughing like what can this girl do to stop us?

Get out of here, she said firmly. She pushed her way into the middle of the group and got on her knees to look at Siva. She looked up to see the boys still there, surrounding her. Now, she shouted, gritting her teeth. She reached for Siva’s hand and held it gently. Are you okay, Siv? she asked him quietly, inspecting his wounds. She couldn’t see well in the darkness but from what she could feel she gathered he had blood on his face from some cuts and he sounded terrible but he was breathing. She wiped at the blood and heard Siva’s best friends approaching behind her. The guys who had beat up Siva had run at the sight of them. Mike looked at Siva and helped him up. He grunted and grabbed at his stomach and his chest area.

Fucking guys, he whispered.

All of the boys except for Mike helped Siva into their car and left without a word to J. Mike turned to her and apologized that she had to see this.

She shook her head. I’m glad I was there to help him but what the hell was that all about?

He put a hand on her shoulder and said, It’s better that you don’t know.

She let out an irritated sigh. Come on, Mike, I’m his girlfriend. I have the right to know.

You have the right, sure, but it’s complicated stuff, J, he said back.

He hugged her because she looked shaken from the scene. I’m sorry, he said, leaving her there alone in the dark night.

{A part of One Year, 52 Stories challenge}

Photo Credit: Paul Santon

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